Looking for help with DAILY NUTRITION, including everything from general health to long-term athletic development? Monthly Nutrition Coaching provides a personalized plan to address your unique needs. Meal Plans are available à la carte.

Month-to-Month Nutrition Coaching 1-hr coaching session + weekly check-ins $210
Custom Meal Plan --- $185


EVENT FUEL services are for those with a race or competition on the calendar. A Race Week Fuel plan outlines the specific amounts and times to consume the foods you have successfully used in training, including the full race day. With more time to prepare, our Sports Nutrition Training Program will guide you through testing your plan over 12 weeks to arrive at your race or competition with confidence in a well-rehearsed plan.

Race Week Fuel Plan 1-hr planning session + email/text support $240
Sports Nutrition Training Program

12 weeks, including monthly coaching sessions + weekly check-ins + Race Week Fuel Plan




Still have questions? Schedule a FREE DISCOVERY CALL to chat for 15 minutes and find out which Extra Mile Nutrition service is a good fit.




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Please get in touch for information on future services:

  • Sweat Testing
  • Nutrition-related Lab Tests
  • Group or Team Education
  • Consulting/Collaborations